EarthyPaws Prints
I took this a while ago, and had forgotten about it :P This was at a little local nursery that Zach and I went to this past summer :) It is such a cute place :)
I have been doing some "soul searching" lately. For some reason lately I have felt that I really needed to connect to who I am and what makes me "me".
Part of this started for my search of creativity. A while ago I asked myself how does my art express what I want it to express? I unfortunately wasn't able to come up with an answer for this.
Before I was "happy" with my creations. But now I am just playing and having fun; making photos that will hopefully make people laugh and bring a smile to their face . I feel that I am finally expressing my different thoughts :)
As Zach said the other day "why does it feel like everything is coming to life?"
It's because I feel that my creativity has come to life, and is taking on a new direction.
Before all of this I would have long long periods of artist block. Now I can barely keep up with the ideas for future photo shoots :)

We'll see where this goes! I am hopeful though :)

A new word of the week is up. This week is "Balance"  You can find it here at:  Word of the Week
Last night Zach and I had a very serious talk about me pursuing my dreams :) and so we decided that I should submit some of my photographs to some magazines, and work on getting my stuff out there :) I have to admit, I am super nervous about this :P My photographs are a part of me, the way that I express myself, and so I'm kind of apprehensive about sending it to people I don't know , where it might be rejected, and allowing myself to be vulnerable But I'm going to do it! :)

Zach helped me to see what it was that everyone saw in my photos, and also to help me realize why I am taking those pictures. I didn't realize it until last night. Silly me :P No wonder I felt stuck :P lololol.

Well. so we'll see where this goes! Please think good thoughts for me :) Oh! and also if you happens to know of any magazines you think I could submit my photos to, please let me know :D  Not sure what it is yet, but picture of the week should be up by tomorrow :)